The dad I would like to feature in Today’s Dad Blog Series is my father in law, Robert!
I got pretty lucky with the father in law that I gained about 2 years ago now. When Cody and I first started dating, we were long distance, so I was only able to see him on the weekends. Luckily, Robert and Mandy would let me stay in the spare bedroom, so I didn’t have to go home. During these weekends, I was able to get to know Robert probably faster than if Cody and I weren’t long distance – and I am so grateful for that!
The first time I met Robert was during the 3rd weekend that Cody and I had seen each other. We met Cody’s parents at McGraff’s for lunch and I was super nervous – I feel like first impressions mean everything when you are meeting parents for the first time. Robert doesn’t talk much, especially if he doesn’t know you – in fact, I think that is where Cody gets some of his shyness. At first, I wasn’t sure what Robert or Mandy thought about me dating their only son. Now, Robert likes to tease me because I haven’t seen classic movies such as Star Wars or Indiana Jones, but let’s be honest…his taste in movies is, definitely in my opinion, questionable. 😊
In the summertime, you can usually find Robert in his goofy hat camping up the Poudre River or at a Lake here in Colorado. He likes to fish, read books, hike, and relax in those quiet, beautiful areas. During the off-camping season, you can usually find him with a list of projects that he tackles. He is skilled at quite a few things ranging from woodwork to tiling to fixing almost anything. He has tiled our kitchen and bathroom and it looks AMAZING! For Christmas, I even asked him to make me some shelves for my rocks, and they turned out perfect! I may or may not have a rock problem, so there is a good chance they are already filled up….
Even though Robert is a pretty quiet guy, he is also a very caring person and will do anything to help his family. If we are ever in a bind, he is there in a minute to help us out, no matter the time or day. I think there have been many instances where we have had to call him for help. When Cody and I first moved into our house 4 years ago now, Robert and Mandy both came over to help us put up a fence in the pouring rain. It was such a cold, long day, but I honestly don’t think Cody and I could have gotten that far the first day without them! In fact, Cody and I had started the night before and we had cemented our posts in the ground. We were so proud of ourselves until Robert was having to fix our EXTREMELY crooked fence line. At the time Cody was pretty mad, but now we just laugh at the memory of that day!
I have to say I am pretty lucky with the Father in Law that I gained when I married Cody. I am excited to see him as a Grandpa one day and show the same compassion he does for a little one as he is for us.