Featured Dad #1- Joshua Atteberry!

Featured Dad #1- Joshua Atteberry!

I want to feature 5 dads for Father’s Day this year in my “Dad Blog Series”.  The first dad I would like to highlight is one of our best friends, Joshua!

I have known Joshua for almost 7 years now. He met my husband, Cody when they worked together at Walker Manufacturing. Cody is a little on the quiet side, but Josh is the complete opposite! Josh basically forced Cody to have lunch with him. Finally, Josh got Cody to agree to a double date and the 4 of us have been best friends ever since then!

Since knowing Josh, we have been able to see him turn into a husband and a loving father. The amount of love he has for his family is beyond what I could write in words.  He will do anything he can to ensure he is providing for his family and being able to live the best life possible. For instance, Josh had left a job a couple of years ago for an opportunity that he thought would be a great next step in his career! Unfortunately, it did not turn out that way, so in order to ensure his family had everything they needed, he worked 2-3 jobs at once and worked 7 days a week for almost 6 months. He got a job at the new Smuckers plant in Longmont, but he had to wait a couple of months until the plant was open and he could start working there.  I admire his determination and goals that he has strived to reach in his life.

Josh is a father to an amazing 2-year-old daughter, Norah, with another little one on the way! I am so excited to get to meet the newest addition to the Atteberry family in October and to see how Josh continues to grow as a father. I have thoroughly enjoyed watching him go from a dad with a new born to a toddler and the patience and love he has for his beautiful little girl. Norah definitely has him wrapped around her little finger.

Josh and I are too much alike and we both like to voice our opinion, which is usually not in agreement. Even though I am normally right, we both agree to disagree and go about our day! I do have to say, I don’t know what Cody or I would do without Josh and Jenna. They are not just our friends, but they are family.

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